Staking, Validators, and Delegators
How you can passively earn rewards on the Odyssey chain.
Validators & Delegators
Validators are the block producers of the system and are responsible for validating the computational outputs submitted to the network. There is no upper limit on the number of Validators participating in Odyssey Chain, only a minimum self-stake requirement.
Block rewards and transaction fees in the form of Dione coins are given to Validators in exchange for their ongoing efforts. The Validators can increase their stake and the chance to be elected to validate blocks, by attracting more Delegators. Apart from an excellent reputation, this can also be done via incentives, where Validators pledge a percentage of block rewards to Delegators if they back them. As a result, a Validator with a smaller stake might spur competition by paying Delegators a pro-rata percentage of block rewards in exchange for their support.
The system allows for Validators to pledge 0% to Delegators, however, they can easily be left with no Delegator support.
Hardware Requirements
Staking Requirements
A validator will receive a staking reward if they are online and respond for more than 80% of their validation period, as measured by a majority of validators, weighted by stake. You should aim for your validator to be online and responsive 100% of the time.